BTC Weekly: 07/28/15

It’s now been over seven months since I’ve been writing about Bitcoin and other digital currencies that exist around the globe. One thing I’ve failed to do for you the readers is… What the heck is Bitcoin anyway?!! Over the next few weeks I will be covering the following things to help bring you into what is already making

  • What is Bitcoin?
  • How can I get into Bitcoin?
  • Now that I’m in. How do I spend it?
  • Can I make my own Bitcoins?

Stay tuned over the course of the next four weeks as I dive into a more comprehensive look into Bitcoin. Bringing you the information to a basic computer user!

Recent happenings in the Bitcoin world:

When you think of Mike TScreen Shot 2015-07-27 at 5.19.49 PMyson, The first things that may pop into your head are.. World Titled and famed Boxer, a guy who bit off another guys ear, or just the guy that doesn’t sound at all like you’d think he would….  This is not related at all to any of that. Mike has announced that he’s going to jump into the Bitcoin market by sponsoring an ATM that converts real world currency into digital. There are two ATM’s that are set to launch in Vegas in just a few weeks.

A Bitcoin (virtual currency) paper wallet with QR codes and coins are seen in an illustration picture taken at La Maison du Bitcoin in ParisA recent study was released and found that Bitcoin in its early stages has grown/been adopted 25% faster than the internet did when it was in it’s early stages of development. It is estimated that investments into Bitcoin (info from CoinDesk) will double year on year from 2014. Which would put this years key investments into the near $800 million dollar range.


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