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Daily Geek Report: 07-11-2012

Happy Wednesday everyone!!!!

If you play Battlefield 3 on the PC, you should check out this server @ 7pm CST on Tuesdays.

I forgot to mention earlier this week on Monday, Google released the source code for Jelly Bean (Android version 4.1). Getting it into the hands of developers sooner than later means that updates to 4.1 should come just that much quicker to everyone (or we can only hope so at least….).

If I say the word OUYA, does it mean anything to you? If it doesn’t. It’s one of the fastest kickstarter funded projects out there. In 3 days, they’ve managed to raise so far, over 3,000,000 with 28 days left to go.

What is it exactly? It’s a new wave gaming console with the average person in mind. It’s a console run off of Android with a low entry level price. The developers saw where the console gaming market is going and they thought that something needed to change. Specifically, the price, but not lose quality. Since it’s built off of Android, game developers don’t have to learn a new language. And it really opens up the world for independent gaming developers by giving them access to america’s living rooms! So far, over 23,000 of the gaming consoles have been sold to users. If this truly takes off as an open source gaming platform. I think the world is in store for some cool things to come to the TV!

-Bleed Geek

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