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The Night God Slept – Album of the Week



“This is the epilogue to the introduction: Lost in the sound.”

In a genre saturated with mediocrity and insincerity. Silent Planet have found a way to challenge the mundane and stagnant scene that Metalcore has unfortunately become.

The Night God Slept is Silent Planet’s full-length debut for Solidstate records. It may only be 32 minutes long over 11 tracks, but in every other facet, this album is epic.

With obvious influences from Oh, Sleeper, Underoath, and the Deftones; Silent Planet create an encompassing sound laced with haunting melodies and pulverizing riffs. The sonic assault coupled with Garret Russel’s raw vocals have fabricated something that could only be equaled by Oh, Sleeper recreating Underoath’s genre defining album; “Define the Great Line”.

The most impressive feat achieved is in the album’s epic storytelling. Covering subjects like the sex trafficking tragedy in America with “XX (City Grave)” to the harrowing story of Marguerite Rouffanche in “Tiny Hands (Au Revoir)”. Silent Planet tell each story with such conviction and raw emotion that you would think these stories were their own. The thought provoking subject-matter and the emotion each song elicits is what sets Silent Planet apart from the cookie-cutter nonsense that has taken over the scene.

Silent Planet have upped the ante with “The Night God Slept”, and soon enough the rest of the scene will have to call their bet or fold.

Rating: 5/5

Key Tracks: Native Blood, Firstwake, Darkstrand (Hibakusha)

Recommended if you like: Oh Sleeper, Underoath, Hands, Deftones

You can pick the album up on iTunes or Amazon or if you prefer the physical copy.

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