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BTC Weekly: 12/19/2014

Another week come and gone.

As I type this up, another Bitcoin app seems to have made it into the Apple’s App Store on iTunes. Here to stay? Since the dawn of Bitcoin, Apple seems to have turned it’s back on the Bitcoin community. When they first started removing apps from the store. It was hard to see what their true motive was in doing so. Two words for you. Apple Pay. I fully believe Apple made the decision to shun the digital currency’s in favor of their own payment system known as ApplePay. Why is this “app” a threat to Bitcoin? As of October 4th there was just over 20 million iPhone 6’s sold. What does that mean? The majority of Apple users have a bank account or credit card that is tied to their Apple account. In the matter of a week Apple potentially has 20 million users who could theoretically start using the payment system. Just like that. Bitcoin has been scrapping and fighting for each of its users. There is no way to truly tell how many users own Bitcoins the current rough estimate is a max of 1.2 million users with that number more than likely being around 500,000. With Apple getting more stores, more banks, and more credit card companies behind them. They are just lining up to make the payment scene just that much easier. Apple isn’t reaching it’s hand out to the Bitcoin community that’s for sure. Hopefully they decide to let this app stay as it’s one of the few where Apple users can truly manage a Bitcoin wallet.

Time Inc. Maker and creator of Time Magazine has just placed a large bet on currency’s future. On 12/16/14 they became the first major magazine publisher to start accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment. They have partnered with Coinbase which is fantastic news for the Bitcoin community. More large companies getting in on the floor of what appears to be an expanding and ever growing business. Accepting payments in Bitcoin is the first step, now if we could get companies to agree to pay employees in Bitcoin… We’d be set!!! (I’d LOVE my company to pay me in Bitcoin!!!!!!!)

Bitcoin’s market appears to be quite bearish since the announcement of Microsoft taking/accepting payments using Bitcoin. As I log off the price has settled on $310.012.
We here at Bleed Geek wish you, your friends, and your family all an enjoyable and safe holiday season!

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