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Pillow – App of the Week

Have you ever wondered how well you were sleeping? Do you wonder if you talk in your sleep? While you could video tape yourself, there is another solution: Pillow. Pillow is a sleep-cycle alarm clock. When you go to bed at night, you plug in your phone and set it on the edge of the bed next to you. While you sleep it records your movements and sounds in the room. You can set it as your alarm and it will try to wake you up at the best time in your sleep cycle.

Pillow records all of your sleep cycles; you have the ability to go back through all other days on which it has data. It also plugs in to HealthKit on iOS, allowing you to see this information on the Health App. Pulling from the Heath App also allows you to compare your sleep to other HealthKit info, such as steps that day. You can see your sleep patterns over time and it keeps you up to date on your average sleep length. You can use it to help you nap as well.

The visualization of the data is my favorite part of the app. It differentiates when you were awake, in REM sleep, light sleep, and deep sleep. I enjoy seeing this every morning. The app is well-made. The UI is nice but does take some getting used to. The swipe up action to change modes is the hardest to do with control center turned on. Overall, this is a tight piece of app.

The app is free, but there is the usual in-app purchase to get premium features. One of these features is their Snooze Lab, which is full of articles and advice for better sleeping. If you have any interest in what your sleep is looking like or want to try and improve it, this Chummy Tees Amazon app could help you.

You can get Pillow on iOS here.

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