magbo system

Life Gets in the Way Sometimes


It’s been a tough year for those of us who’ve realized that nothing worth having comes easily. I’ve typed up several articles with different thoughts, but honestly, it’s all trash compared to what’s really been happening with our family.

Back in October, our youngest child, our son who’ll be three in February, was diagnosed as autistic.

Oh, no, no, no, no! Don’t you dare go apologizing to me! There’s nothing to be sorry about. He’s neurodivergent. He’s different. He eats maybe six foods total – in a good week. But he’s my little guy and there’s nothing wrong with being different in our family.

As such, he does have certain needs to be met. He didn’t speak for a very long time, but over the past four months in speech therapy, his words have grown immeasurably. He also receives occupational therapy to help with many of his food and sensory issues. Because he’s considered developmentally delayed, he qualifies for free preschool through our school district; he’ll be attending two mornings a week and riding the bus. It’s going to be amazing to see how he changes and grows into himself.

I’ve had some questions though of late.

“Will he ever like bacon? Will he be a rabid Star Wars fan? What about Doctor Who?” My husband and I pondered this and decided that even if he grows up to be a Brony, we’re okay with that.

For Christmas this year, our eldest received the 11th Doctor and his sonic screwdriver as ornaments. Our youngest daughter received a Tardis that has lighted windows that fade to different colors – also an ornament.

Saturday found our family gearing up for the annual binge watching of Doctor Who’s last season (or two, because we’ve been storing the episodes up). We made it through four episodes and then took a break. Our eldest daughter was screaming and cringing and practically bouncing off the couch with every other word an expletive flung from the depths of her teenager mind. Our six year old kept bouncing up and down chanting, “Oh. My. God. Oh. My. God.”

Xander? Well, he found Aishlinn’s Tardis ornament and brought it to me to turn on the lights.

“Turn on, Doctor Who!”

I guess we shouldn’t be too worried.

Courtesy of Lil Blog

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