magbo system

In this episode we discuss the Heartbleed bug, an Android TV, Google Glass, Twitter looking Facebookrific, Dropbox launching some new apps, Facebook Messenger, and Amazon buying Comixology.

In this episode we discuss Android 4.4 Kit-Kat, the Nexus 5, Google Glass, Amazon Matchbook, more NSA drama, new Google+ features, the iPad Air, and Randy’s birthday.

In this episode we discuss; Google Glass not allowing porn apps, Zynga laying off a large part of it’s workforce, the NSA collecting your data from everywhere it can, and a WWDC preview.

In this episode we talk about Google Glass, Google Fiber, Google getting an airport (I feel like there is a theme here…), Google earnings, Microsoft smart watch rumors, Netflix, Dish buying Sprint, CISPA, and some Nintendo news.

In this episode we discuss Google Glass, hackers, PS4, the new Xbox, Ouya, Google+, Samsung Wallet, and Leap Motion.

In this episode we discuss all that happen at Google’s IO Conference, plus Zynga and Apple as well.