magbo system

Weekly Waypoint

First, Nintendo announced that the new Fire Emblem Screen Shot 2015-06-26 at 2.14.47 PM(coming to the states in 2016) would include the potential for same-sex marriages between the player and an NPC. Today, the Supreme Court ruled that gay marriage is allowed in all 50 states! Coincidence?? đŸ˜‰

Batman: Arkham Knight released this week, but much to the chagrin of Warner Brothers, it’s a disaster. Unfortunately, it’s now common for complications with new games at release, but rarely do both Nvidia and ATI owners report significant performance issues—to the point of making the game unplayable on PC. Warner Bros. even been pulled the game from sale. Rocksteady had no hand in the PC port.

However, Arkham Knight  apparently plays flawlessly on PS4, despite the leaderboards showing errors instead of scores. In addition, Arkham Knight  is catching flack for its misogynistic portrayal of beloved characters. It’s also worth mentioning that even the strategy guide is a mess.

Another Steam Summer Sale has come and gone, but this year we have SteamSpy: an online tool that uses Steam’s API to get sales data. You can check out the data on Polygon.

Holy shit, watch this:

In the wake of the Charleston church massacre, people everywhere are talking about the relevancy of the confederate flag. Apple decided to take action: by removing any app that uses the confederate flag. Yes, even Civil War games. The company behind Ultimate General: Gettysburg is refusing to remove the flag from their game, stating, “we wanted our game to be the most accurate, historical, playable reference of the Battle of Gettysburg.” The said Apple was “nice” and “courteous” but are still pulling the game from the App Store.
source: Polygon

Bethesda let the fan that sent them 2,240 bottlecaps pay for his copy of Fallout 4.
source: Kotaku

Last but not least, in more cool StarCraft news, check out this sweet video that Rocket Jump (Video Game High School) made about life on a Terran planet.

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