The Daily Geek Report 10-27-11

Today is Thursday  PODCAST NIGHT!!!!


7:00pm Central is The Point After Attempt and 8:00pm Central is Bleed Geek!!


Do you spend much time on Facebook? If so, you know you have to be careful of spam. Someone says like this to see a spider eat someones face, or see how many people unfriended you. Yea, it’s BS. There’s a new one in town now. If you see notice to play Mario Kart on FB, DO NOT Click it, it’s a scam and it has already spread to thousands. Don’t be an online statistic!

In Googles Earnings announcements they’ve let the media in on a little secret, in the last 9 months, they’ve spent more than $1.4 Billion dollars in acquisitions of other companies, one of the more notable ones buying the food review company Zagat. Go Google!

The Feds have a proposed bill in the House proposed to blacklist piracy sites, basically giving the Attorney General ultimate powers to block any and all contend deemed questionable. If you decide to go around said measures to keep you from viewing this content, they will be able to come after you as the abuser directly.. (some crap there huh? Make sure to write to your congress men to NOT support/sponsor this bill)

And Finally, HP was questioning whether or not they’d be keeping their PC business. They announced today that they will indeed be keeping it. There’s still question on if they will keep the WebOS around or not, but apparently there is a conference call with the CEO Meg Whitman, who will hopefully answer some of these questions. Hope everyone had a great day, tomorrow’s FRIDAY!

-Bleed Geek


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