magbo system

Daily Geek Report 11-29-11

Howdy Ya’ll. 24 Shopping days left until Christmas!

Today was announced that Twitter would be purchasing the software company called “WhisperCore”. What are they, you may ask? WhisperCore is a full disk encryption option for Android devices. So if you lose your phone. Fear not. Without a special passowrd, none of the data on your phone is encrypted and out of the hands of hackers!

Are you an iPhone or Android user and getting bored with your current OS? Want to test the waters of the Windows OS world? Well. There’s an easy way to do so with out even downloading an app. If you browse to: This link is run off an interactive HTML5 page that gives you a VERY detailed intro to how Windows 7.5 looks and feels.

Blackberry’s RIM isn’t quite dead and they just threw another chip into the game in hopes to keep their services alive. They announced BlackBerry Mobile Fusion. It’s an enterprise solution for Blackberry (Of Course), Android, as well as iOS smart phones and tablets! ITS ABOUT TIME!

Do you have an iPhone? Do you wish you could tether it to other devices? Well.. If you’re reading this and you can’t.. You’re too late. A tethering app slipped into the App Market and was approved, After weeks of it being in the store, it was finally pulled down. Anyone that has it currently will be able to keep it. Assuming that any iOS updates that come through don’t kill how the app works. It wasn’t even a “trick” type app.. Shame on you Apple……

Lastly. Were you able to score a XBOX and the Kinect over Black Friday? Of not, don’t fret. You may be better off waiting. A source told Eurogamer that Microsoft is working on their 2nd gen Kinect that will have improved motion detection as well as good enough to be able to read your lips. Talk about an awesome improvement in such a short time!! Time will tell and we’ll keep you updated on what we find out!

That’s it for this Tuesday. Have a great evening everyone!

-Bleed Geek

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