Daily Geek Report 11-16-11

Happy Wednesday Everyone!

The Kindle fire just came out, and it’s already been rooted. Rooting is usually a process best left for “tech gurus” How easy is it? How about one click… Done. Read more here.
Speaking of the Fire… Amazon finally released the source code for everyone to have. It’s only a matter of time before apps start flooding the market for it!

Google had a event today “These go to Eleven”. They announced their new Google Music service. Buying and Trading music.. I’m not completely sold on the product. It’s good, but not great.  But it’s a start. They ended up scoring a deal with Universal Records which was a huge signing, now they need to work out something with Warner. Is it to little too late? Probably, In my opinion, it’s not enough to make people convert from existing music places like iTunes or Amazons music service.. Google usually has something up their sleeves, so hopefully they’ll have something else to go with it.
Speaking of Google also. Their gmail app returns to the iOS platform. It’s the same App as before, just without the notification but that came up for everyone else. Clunky ported version of the web gmail. Come on google, do you want to be known for half assed apps?

Thats it for today, Tomorrows podcast night!!!

See you guys tomorrow!

-Bleed Geek

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